Donate old books online with free pickup from anywhere in India

Do you have a collection of old books at home? You don’t want to send your used books to the waste paper mart. Do you want to donate those old books?
But you are unsure where to donate your old books. Perhaps the library near your place does not provide a pick-up facility at your doorstep, and you are unable to transport a large number of books to them on your own. Old books cause a similar kind of problem for the majority of Indians. PutForShare offers a fix for each of these issues.

What is ? is an online platform where people can donate books or sell books and earn money by selling the books online.
  1. Donate books from your doorstep with free pickup anywhere in India.
  2. Sell books online from wherever you are.
  3. You can earn money by sharing/selling books.
  4. Buy Books online and get doorstep delivery anywhere in India.

Why should I donate books to PutForShare?

You can donate your used books anywhere you want; however, if you donate your old books at PutForShare, there are some benefits that are described below.
  • The pickup of donated old books is free of charge. You do not need to pay any money for pick-up. However, minor pick-up fees will be deducted from your store credit.
  • You can earn money when your books are sold. Your bank account will be credited as soon as books worth 25% of your store credits are sold.
  • Donating old books, you earn store credits. These store credits never expire until you use them. Whenever you buy books from, you only have to pay 50% of the price. The remaining 50% will be deducted from your store credit.
  • You can donate books from any corner of India. Books from Kashmir to Kanyakumari are accepted by PutForShare.
  • If you wish to help a needy child develop a bright future for him/her, you can donate your store credit to the scholarship programme. However, it is not compulsory.

What kinds of books can I donate to PutForShare ?

Any kind of book can be donated to PutForShare. Books should be well maintained. The genres of books that can be donated are listed below.
  1. MBA / Management Studies
  2. Medicine / Medical Science
  3. Law books
  4. Religious books
  5. JEE exam books
  6. NEET exam books
  7. PUC textbooks
  8. School books from KG to Higher Secondary
  9. Story books
  10. Study materials from private institutions
  11. Action & Adventure
  12. Arts, Film & Photography
  13. Biographies, Diaries & True Accounts
  14. Business & Economics
  15. Children’s & Young Adult
  16. Comics & Graphic Novels
  17. Computers & Internet
  18. Crafts, Hobbies & Home
  19. Crime, Thriller & Mystery
  20. Engineering
  21. Exam Preparation
  22. Health, Family & Personal Development
  23. Health, Fitness & Nutrition
  24. Historical Fiction
  25. History
  26. Humour
  27. Language, Linguistics & Writing
  28. Law
  29. Literature & Fiction
  30. Maps & Atlases
  31. Medicine & Health Sciences
  32. Politics
  33. Reference
  34. Religion & Spirituality
  35. Romance
  36. School Books
  37. Science & Mathematics
  38. Science Fiction & Fantasy
  39. Sciences, Technology & Medicine
  40. Society & Social Sciences
  41. Sports
  42. Textbooks & Study Guides
  43. Travel & Tourism


PutForShare accepts textbooks from a wide range of curricula.
  1. CBSE
  2. ICSE
  4. Gujarat Board – Gujrati Medium
  5. UP Board – Hindi Medium
  6. Bihar Board – Hindi Medium
  7. MP Board – Hindi Medium
  8. Rajasthan Board – Hindi Medium
  9. Uttarakhand Board – Hindi Medium
Books written in any language in the world, including all Indian regional languages as well as all foreign languages, can be donated at

What kinds of books that you are not allowed to donate / share / sell at PutForShare ?

  1. Used workbooks, as they cannot be further used.
  2. Pirated photo copies of books.
  3. Spiral-bound photocopies of books.
“People die, but books never die.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
The old books we have can be treasures for someone else. Sharing old books is a smart way to reduce paper use. In this way, we can save trees. So, donate your used books and save trees. At putforshare, you can donate your old books and earn money. In summary, we can say that PutForShare makes it possible to share books, earn money, and save trees. If you have used books that you wish to donate, please send them to PutForShare. It is a hassle-free way to share your books. What do you think? Would you like to be a part of it?