What does a Store Credit mean? #
Store Credit is a token or tentative value given for a book when we get it from the donor or seller.
What is the use of Store Credit? #
You can use it to buy some other books at PutForShare.com. Every time you purchase books from PutForShare, you only need to pay 50% of the cost of the book and 50% will be automatically applied from the available Store Credit. This will be a considerable saving every time you buy a book.
I don’t need the Store Credit, can I give it to someone? #
Yes, you can give it to anyone whom you want. You can write us at hi@putforshare.com from your putforshare registered email id and mention how much of your Store Credit is to be transferred to your friend by giving his putforshare registered email id. It will be processed within 48 hours.
When does Store Credit expire? #
Generally, Store Credit does not expire till the donor or someone uses it up.